Be the first to know when your buyer’s accounts are frozen, react on time and adapt to negative financial situation of your associates.
The moment your client enters a blocking account can strike you unprepared. Monitoring exists to prevent such situations. Keep track of your clients, their affiliates, and secure collection of receivables. Secure a better position in the market with the assistance of our report and enjoy the advantages of negotiating and concluding a cooperation agreement.
Be the first to know when and who had accounts frozen. Find out if your future partners and clients pose a credit risk or if their company is blocked from conducting business.
Follow information related to your portfolio, changes in status, and changes in company owners. Account tracking allows you to control business risk. Choose the right associates and direct your attention to secure growth with confidence, thanks to reduced business and credit risk.
Have daily and monthly insight into the changes in your business portfolio. We will examine all related legal entities your clients could have, and we will include them in the monitoring process. Practice so far has shown that related legal entities are usually responsible for company blockages.
The types of reports available are:
*Available only in Serbia
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